
Create your own oracle deck

Harness your intuitive power and creative skills to make your own personal oracle deck. Participants will work with guides and intention setting, exploring art mediums and ways of using divination desks. Participants will receive their own blank deck and access to a variety of art materials to create their own deck to take home. Next class: TBA

Speed Kinking

Join us for an afternoon of making conscious, kinky connections in a warm and welcoming space. Make new friends, hear about new perspectives and ideas, and perhaps connect with some new potential play partners.

We will begin by dropping into the space with an opening circle, before moving onto the speed kinking portion of the afternoon.

Participants will use a deck of Kinky Connections Cards, with a variety of thought-provoking questions that allow you to share about yourself and learn about your speed kinking partner.

Partnering will be done randomly. You will have the opportunity to meet with each person in the room at least once. Partnering will not be centered around binary gender divisions. If you are not comfortable having friendly and open discussions with people of all genders, this is not the event for you.

After the first round of speed kinking, we will have a short break with light refreshments available.

During the second round we will move onto the deeper cards in the deck to gently explore with our shadows and deeper desires.

At the conclusion of the event, participants are welcome to move onto the Lighthouse bar located nearby if they would like to continue any conversations or have a drink with some new friends.

About your host:

Cambridge Street Studio is a queer-run immersive experience studio. Cambridge Street Studio events warmly welcome people of all gender and sexuality expressions. People from marginalised communities are particularly invited to attend, and are always welcome to apply for discounted tickets.

Cambridge Street Studio acknowledges that we meet and play on the land of the Ngunnalwal people, and that sovereignty was never ceded.

Accessibility information:

Flazéda Hub is on the 1st floor and requires a flight of stairs to be climbed for access. There are toilets with sit down access and urinal access located just outside of the studio. No bright lights or loud music will be used. There will be quiet background music playing upon entry, but this will not be played during the rest of the event. For the comfort of patrons with allergies or sensitivities, we ask that no-one wears perfume, aftershave, or other strongly scented products.

Late arrivals:

Please arrive at the advertised time. Once the opening circle has begun no late-comers will be allowed into the space. No refunds will be issued for late arrivals.


Flazéda Hub
Unit 4, 68 Emu Bank, Belconnen ACT 2617
(upstairs from Subway)


The next event is on 22 May 2021, 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Tickets are $25 +BF available here:

Purchase your own set of Kink Connections Cards here.